LSST Data Preview 0 Documentation

Data Preview 0 (DP0) is the first of three data previews during the period leading up to the start of Rubin Observatory Operations.

Goals of DP0: To serve as an early integration test of the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) Science Pipelines and the Rubin Science Platform (RSP) and to enable a limited number of scientists and students to begin early preparations for science with simulated LSST-like data sets.

DP0 delegates: The scientists and students who have RSP accounts and access to the DP0 data sets. This term reflects their important roles of representing the broad science community as learners, testers, and providers of feedback, and of sharing the benefits of their DP0 participation with their communities as teachers and colleagues.

Delegate resources

Participate in DP0. Get an RSP account and access the data. Attend virtual seminars. Get support.

DP0 delegate resources

Documentation and tutorials for simulated images and catalogs of extragalactic and galactic objects.

Documentation and tutorials for simulated catalogs of solar system objects.